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WP3BM/KP4KSL Repeater system now has access to Echolink!
The finishing touches were given to the repeater link system with the addition of Echolink. Now, users of both 6 meters and 70cm can experience the virtues of internet linking. The posibilities are endless: You can Echolink to the KPKSL-R node and test for opennings to FK68 land, or just chat with local RPT users. Whatever comes in through any of the links (6M, 70cm, Echolink), will go out on the other two links. You can also check for activity on the 6 meter RPT before calling CQ. All this is possible by the use of CAT 1000 controllers on both repeaters plus the RPT link interface at KP4KSL's. For the moment, the Echolink will funtion on an intermitent fashion, meaning that the link will not always be active due to the present dial up connection. Prices for DSL on the island are a bit high when compared to the U.S. mainland, but this might change soon. Meanwhile, check on the echolink page, specially at nights, when the system is operational.

Don't take the protection out!!
Photo by John Olexa
  Lightning strikes Receiver site!
During the last showers (Yep, the ones that devastated Dominican Republic), The receiver site received the unwelcome visit of Mr. Lightning. The damaged equipment includes: CS800 interconnect (phone patch & link controller), the PL card of the Maxar 80 Rx radio, and my PC modem. Ironically, I had removed the lightning protection assembly the day before for maintenance (duh!). Murphy's law at work! Nonetheless, the repeater was back to work shortly after replacing the link controller with a spare Hang timer circuit I had built at the begining of the 6m RPT project. The new link controller has arrived and soon the phone patch will be back to business. Users are advised to deactivate the PL tone when transmitting, as the PL board will drop the carrier when that happens.

Fox Hunt webpage project started
May 28, 2004-With the help of the good fellow hams we have around here, the project for an automated Fox Hunter have begun! The Concept is to have a website the local user can visit, remotely program the frequency, and operate the Fox Hunter. Two direction finders at known locations will set up an automatic direction finding. The results will be triangulated on an online map. We will keep you posted on the project

gear for the fox hunter!

Hurricane Season almost here!
May 28, 2004- The hurricane season is almost here. This crazy weather we have been experimenting on the Caribbean might forecast how things will be this season. We will keep you posted on any happenings!

Check the weather!

The hunt, is on!
Picture by Milestone Technologies, Inc.